TechCrunch reports the big new trend is for companies like Sun and Dell to hold their press conferences in SecondLife. To further advance the state of the art, the next Socialtext press conference will be held in World of Warcraft.
- Time: December 1st, 5pm server time
- Location: Goldshire, Elwynn Forrest, Eitrigg Server
- Rules of Order:
- No ninjas.
- Questions will only be taken from journalists in PvP mode
- We have developed means of determining if you are a Chinese Gold Farmer, so do not outsource your participation
- Safe passage will be provided to Horde characters, but your questions may be lost in translation
- Keep your armor on, do not /dance unless you are an orc, use of other emotes are encouraged
- If the spokesperson is not forthcoming, you may duel for information
- Those that survive the experience will gain 1 gold piece and a Socialtext tabard