Oh, the horror. Drunk from berry juice, the Davos contingent circumbs to crackberry. Potentially forced to go cold turkey over a patent dispute, apparently the switching costs are too high to conceieve of fix.
"It's just nuts. The idea that someone is just going to switch it off in three or four weeks, even if it's only in the United States, is crazy," Peter Levene, chairman of the Lloyd's of London insurance market, told Reuters.
"Everybody has adapted their working habits to it. If you close it off at a stroke the damage could be colossal."
Before they settle on innovation being a patent game, they come to their profit motive senses.
"There is too much money at stake. At some point, somebody will blink and work out a compromise," David Rubenstein, founder of private equity firm The Carlyle Group, told Reuters.
"If not, there will be plenty of competitors to BlackBerry to fill the lacuna."
Perhaps there is settlement to be found.
Closed has everything to do with intellectual property and it's access. Lets we forget the Legal Tail, where the hits keep coming enough to the disputes with the greatest transaction costs. Costs best borne by a commons interest, but those structures are only on their way.