My uncle was a guru on wall street when I asked him where I should
invest my paper route money. He said to visit the parking lots of
Silicon Valley companies during the weekend. If the parking lot was
full, there was a good chance they were close to a breakthrough or
Now that's a lot of biking around to base a portfolio strategy. Luckly TAB corporation was two blocks away from EF Hutton, who happened to listen, and placed my first parking lot order.
But with enough mobloggers, a panopticon of performance may be a great leading indicator. So this weekend I started the Parking Lot Indicatr group and people have taken interest.
Of course, times have changed not just to make it possible for this
kind of financial citizens media. People can work anywhere now,
especially at home on the weekend. And quite frankly, its a bit of an evil indicatr and results in really ugly pictures. But lets see what patterns reveal
themselves. And try not to start trouble with parking lot security guards. Maybe buy them a hamburger and get them to say cheese.
Some have pointed out the need for indicatrs of private companies and even VC firms. So when you head home tonight, swing by the closest parking lot, take a snapshot, post it on Flickr. If you have other indicatrs to link do, use the indicatr tag in